Installer Posted: 13 March, 2020. Written by Lorraine Haskell
EVCC dovetails with the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation. Edition 4 of this Code of Practice includes for BS 7671: 2018 Amendment 1, dealing with the advancing technology in the EV charging sector and making the installation of chargepoints quicker, easier and less costly.
So what are the changes to the new Amendment 1?
Changes have been made to section 722 (Electric Vehicle Charging Installations) only.
Small changes to the wording and technical requirements have been made, but the key aspect is a series of updates to the earthing requirements for charging points.
For a more detailed and technical analysis of the changes visit Replenishh's website here.
Amendment 1 is free to view on the IET website here and can be purchased in a printable format for £5.
Editon 4 of the IET's Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation will be out start of April and can pre ordered here.